Time Out: Literally go for a time out in the corner of the room facing away until its the players turn again.Instagram: Like a picture on Instagram of someone not present in the game that is at least 30 weeks old.Rule: The player adds a rule to the game, eg.Flip Cup: The player gets 3 tries to flip and land a solo cup, if not then they drink.Floor is Lava: Last person to stand on their chair drinks.Eat Cheese: You literally just eat cheese.Indian Accent: Talk with an Indian accent until the end of the game.
Android users drink: (What it sounds like).Everyone slaps the person to their left: (What it sounds like).Ripple: The player who took the piece takes one drink, the people to their right and left take 2 drinks, then to their left and right take 3 drinks and so on.French Accent: Talk with a french accent until the end of the game.If the person you call Is Mohammed, everyone but you takes 2 drinks. If no one there is called Mohammed, you take a drink.